Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ebook Koleksi Pinjaman kewangan @ Rancangan Perniagaan

Assalamualaikum dan salam hormat,

Kemudahan pinjaman perniagaan yang disediakan di Malaysia terbuka kepada pelbagai cabang perniagaan merangkumi perniagaan penternakkan,pertanian,dobi,butik, dan lain- lain lagi.

Terdapat pelbagai Institusi kewangan yang menawarkan pinjaman kepada peniaga-peniaga IKS bagi membesarkan dan memajukan perniagaan mereka. Antaranya ialah SME bank,Agrobank,MARA,Yayasan Tekun,PUNB dan lain-lain lagi.

Tapi tahukah anda prosedur permohonan bagi membuat pinjaman dengan institusi-institusi tersebut? Kebanyakkan daripada peniaga IKS gagal dalam permohonan mereka bukan kerana perniagaan mereka tidak berpotensi untuk dimajukan, tetapi 90% adalah kegagalan mereka menyediakan kertas kerja yang bersesuaian dan megikut kehendak dan prosedur institusi kewangan tersebut.

Kos membuat kertas kerja yang tinggi juga membuatkan kita membantutkan niat kita untuk membuat pinjaman. Keadaan ini memang tidak dinafikan kerana kebiasaannya perunding dan firma profesional memberi caj 2% daripada jumlah pinjaman, sebagai contoh jika anda ingin membuat pinjaman RM200,000, maka cajnya adalah RM2000.

Kepentingan Rancangan Perniagaan

Salah satu kepentingan menyediakan rancangan perniagaan ialah untuk menilai sama ada peluang perniagaan yang ingin diterokai berdaya maju atau sebaliknya. Penilaian sesuatu peluang perniagaan perlu diasaskan kepada fakta dan maklumat terkini. Banyak perniagaan gagal selepas beberapa tahun dilaksanakan. Ini disebabkan oleh kegagalan pengusaha menyediakan rancangan perniagaan yang berkesan. Dalam apa jua bidang perniagaan yang ingin diceburi, penyediaan rancangan perniagaan yang lengkap merupakan langkah yang sangat penting. Seringkali dikatakan bahawa jika seseorang berhasrat untuk memulakan sebuah perniagaan tetapi gagal untuk membuat perancangan, sebenarnya dia merancang kegagalannya sendiri dalam perniagaan tersebut. Kepentingan menyediakan rancangan perniagaan secara bertulis atau dalam bentuk dokumen seringkali diabaikan oleh usahawan kecuali apabila diperlukan untuk memohon pembiayaan. Sebab itu dokumen ini sering dikaitkan dengan permohonan pinjaman daripada bank atau institusi kewangan. Keperluan menyediakan dokumen ini dilihat sebagai memenuhi syarat permohonan sahaja. Tanggapan ini menyebabkan kebanyakan usahawan sukar menilai kepentingan dan keperluan menyediakan sebuah rancangan perniagaan. Setelah permohonan mereka diluluskan (atau mungkin ditolak) dokumen tersebut tidak lagi dirujuk untuk melaksanakan projek yang dirancang. Besar kemungkinan ini berlaku kerana dokumen tersebut disediakan oleh pihak lain yang dibayar perkhidmatannya. Oleh yang demikian maklumat yang terkandung dalam rancangan perniagaan berkenaan tidak menggambarkan hasrat sebenar usahawan. Sebaliknya ia cenderung untuk mempengaruhi dan meyakinkan pihak penilai untuk meluluskan permohonan pinjaman atau pembiayaan. Rancangan perniagaan bukan sahaja penting untuk tujuan memohon pembiayaan kewangan tetapi dokumen ini juga disediakan untuk tujuan-tujuan berikut:

1. Rancangan perniagaan sebagai pelan atau “peta” yang diperlukan bagi mengendalikan aktiviti perniagaan. Dokumen ini membantu usahawan mengkaji semula atau mengubahsuai aktiviti dan halatuju yang telah ditetapkan semasa memulakan dan mengendalikan perniagaan.

2. Sebagai panduan untuk mengurangkan risiko kegagalan perniagaan dengan membuat nggaran dan perkiraan hasil dan kos yang terlibat dalam perniagaan yang dirancang. Oleh itu, usahawan akan mengkaji dan menilai sesebuah rancangan perniagaan (berasaskan maklumat terkini) sebelum membuat keputusan untuk memulakannya. Secara tidak langsung penyediaan rancangan perniagaan memerlukan usahawan mengumpul maklumat terkini dalam pasaran.

3. Rancangan perniagaan juga disediakan untuk mengira jumlah modal atau wang yang diperlukan bagi memulakan atau mengembangkan perniagaan. Oleh itu, penyediaan dokumen ini dapat membantu usahawan mengenal pasti jumlah modal permulaan dan sumber pembiayaan yang diperlukan.

4. Penyediaan rancangan perniagaan membantu usahawan memahami dengan mendalam mengenai bidang perniagaan yang bakal diceburi. Usahawan perlu mengetahui setiap aspek pengurusan perniagaan seperti pemasaran, pentadbiran, operasi dan kewangan.

5. Rancangan perniagaan juga merupakan dokumen yang boleh digunakan untuk mengawal kegiatan perniagaan. Ini dapat membantu usahawan membandingkan pencapaian sebenar dengan apa yang telah dirancang sebelum ini. Ramai usahawan berasa ragu atau enggan menyediakan rancangan perniagaan kerana beranggapan ianya satu kerja rumit dan remeh, dan beranggapan perniagaan atau projek boleh terus dijalankan tanpa perlu didokumenkan. Walau bagaimanapun, adalah lebih mudah untuk merujuk semula rancangan perniagaan yang ditulis secara teratur (walaupun ringkas) berbanding ‘perancangan’ yang bergantung kepada daya ingatan semata-mata.

Ebook kali ini adalah satu-satunya Ebook yang menawarkan perkhidmatan kolesi Pembentangan kertas kerja terbaik yang mampu memikat hati Institusi yang akan memberikan anda Pinjaman kewangan. dapatkan ia sekarang di :

Perkhidmatan Kertas Kerja Pinjaman dan Percukaian

Monday, September 15, 2008

Why write an Ebook?

Why write an eBook?

You want ongoing, lifelong multiple streams of income. You want to raise your credibility and trust ratings with clients or customers. You want to get your message out so the world can be a better place.

You want to spend only a little time on it. (Would you be willing to spend 4 hours a week?) You want to get it out fast (Would 4-8 weeks be OK?) You want to market for a low-cost investment. And, for some of you, you are ready to be innovative and even take a small risk to get your eBook read by hundreds of thousands, rather than hundreds!

Where are you now?

You have an idea for your eBook; you have a lot of ideas! Take a moment and decide which one you are most passionate about now and will be for the next year or two. Focus on one great idea, where you know what the audience needs or wants-- your solutions to their problem.

Or, do you have your eBook well on its way, but aren't finished. You need advice on how to get it done, what's needed to publish (not much!), and how to distribute it to pull continuous monthly sales that can be 1/3 to 1/2 your income?

Who Should Write an eBook?

If you want to share your unique message world-wide to help people create a better life.

If you are ready to invest a little to reap a great deal.

If you are a business person who want to expand your business and be a leader in your field.

If you are willing to move much faster than traditional publishing to sell faster, more, and create more cash flow for marketing.

What do I Need to Know Before I write this eBook?

1. To help make your eBook successful apply the essential "Seven Hot-Selling Points." These include title, table of contents, thesis, "60 second tell and sell," one preferred audience, introduction and the back cover.

Why? Every part of your book can be a sales tool. When you include the above "hot-selling points" you will have a roadmap to guide you to writing a focused, organized, compelling book that you will only have to edit a few times.

2. You also need to know how to write a focused, organized, chapter each time. Think format. Each chapter should have approximately the same number of pages if it is a self-help book. Each book chapter may need an introduction, an opening few questions or shocking facts to hook the reader to keep reading, a few stories or analogies to illustrate your how-to's, and an ending that may be a summary, questions to ponder, or action steps to take.

Designing every chapter and knowing your essential "hot-selling points" are your eBook's 24/7 sales team and a beacon that brings out your best: writing a compelling, easy to read, inspiring and informational eBook that hundreds of thousands of buyers will want.

copy from

Choose the Best Colour For your Ebook Cover

Color can have a profound impact on your prospective buyers. The wrong colors can negatively impact your sales, while the right colors can trigger positive emotions motivating your visitors to buy from you.

Color can affect how we feel and influence what we think. In general, bright bold colors tend to stir us up, while the softer pastel colors calm and relax us. Responses to colors can vary by age, gender and cultural background.

Colors will affect how a potential buyer reacts to your ebook. Carefully select your color scheme for your ebook cover. Here are some guidelines to help you make good color choices. Bear in mind that these are guidelines, and that there are no hard and fast rules. Just use common sense.

• Consider your audience. For example, if your ebook primarily targets men, then you will want to use strong, bold colors. If your target audience is women, then choose soft, pastel colors. If your focus is on children, choose bright, vibrant colors.

• Choose colors that are appropriate for your book's topic. For example, green may work well for books about starting a home business, making money, and reducing debt.

• Use colors that match or complement the color scheme of your web site.

• Keep the number of colors down to two or three, and no more. This does not include photographs which can have a whole range of colors.

• When using photographs on your ebook cover, use colors that complement the primary color in the picture.

• Make sure that all of the colors you use work well together and do not clash.

• Communicate your message with easy-to-read text. Use colors for your text that contrast with the background color so your text is readable. For example, a dark font on a light background is easy to read.

• Consider the mood you want to create. Remember that emotions trigger sales. People buy what they want - not what they need. The list below will show you how colors can affect us in different ways.

Red - Action, energy, strength, passion, fire, heat, power, attention-getting. Can also mean love and romance. A strong masculine color. Red is a good color for a call-to-action. Red is cheerfulness, excitement, and warmth. Pink is a soft version of red. It is most associated with romance, calming affect; a feminine color.

Blue - Confidence, travel, freedom, truth, professionalism, wealth and power. Also tranquility, dependable, acceptance, patience, understanding, cooperation, comfort, loyalty and security. It is one of the most calming colors and is associated with the sky and the sea, intelligence, reassurance, and trust. Blue has also been known to be an appetite suppressant, so it would not be good for cookbooks or recipes but you can consider it for diet books.

Green - Money, wealth, prosperity, calm, health, food, nature, hope, growth, freshness, soothing, sharing, and responsiveness. Green symbolizes spring, renewal, and fertility.

Grey - A conservative color, symbolizing security, maturity and reliability.

Take advantage of the impact color can have on your ebook sales and choose colors that will create positive responses.
Here's how you can take advantage of the impact color can have on your ebook sales.

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Article Writing-Tips For Writing Good Articles

An article should be well written so that it is able to create impact on reader’s mind. it is easy to write a bad article but it needs discipline and practice to produce good articles.A writing is more than assimilation of words and construction of phrases. It demands right use of words and expression in a neat and clean language that should be easily understood by the reader. This applies to every genre of writing including writing for internet.

Internet is just a medium. Writing follows the same principles here too.

I have summarized few cautions and tips for a good article writing.

Use Good Language: This should be free of errors and typos. Grammar usage should be accurate and spelling mistakes must be found and corrected. You should not write a complicated language. Instead a simple language would be appreciated by the readers. If you can, substitute difficult words by the simpler ones.

Let It Flow: Information in your article should not be haphazard. Instead it should be smooth flowing and in continuity. Do not jump from one point to another to third and then come back to first. That kind of zig zag motion of the mind irritates the reader.

Be Conversant: Write as if you are speaking to your reader. Do not write documentary kind of stuff. Make your article interesting and enjoyable to read.

Follow Guidelines: Do not clutter your article with unnecessary links in hope that reader would click. While you should provide the relevant links but stuffing the links should be avoided.

Most of the article directories will reject your article if you have links more than the allowed limit. So follow the guidelines to save yourself from the rejections.

Write Regularly: Writing is a skill. It improves by practice. Therefore write regularly. Choose a time when your mind is most productive and choose a place where you can write without distraction. Write on regular basis. Everyday if possible.

How to write your first Ebook

Writing your first ebook may seem like a daunting task. But like many projects, it won’t seem so bad when it’s broken down into manageable chunks. Not all projects are successful, so don’t be too disappointed if your first ebook isn’t a best seller. Whatever the outcome of your first ebook, you can at least say ‘You did it’.

Like many things in life, what often seems impossible can be attained with the right attitude and the right equipment. It could be a marathon run, climbing a mountain or finding parking space at the supermarket.

If you want to play golf, you will need clubs, balls and some practice. There’s no guarantee you will become another Tiger Woods but you will become a golfer.

If you want to write an ebook, you will need a computer, software and some directions. Assuming you have a computer and software or access to them, here are some directions.

Establish Your Reasons

Your reasons for wanting to write an ebook will have a major impact on your success. It may be for financial gain, promoting a business, advancing your career, education, self satisfaction or something entirely different. Whatever your reasons, write them down. It will help to motivate you if the going gets tough.

Choose Your Subject

There are countless subjects that you can write about. It’s wise to choose something you have an interest in or knowledge of. It is worthwhile spending time on this. The more you know about your subject, the easier it will be to write about.

Choose Your Title

After you’ve chosen your subject, you’ll need a title for the ebook. It’s worth writing down a few different ones before deciding on the one you’ll use. This will help to keep your focus and may give you some other ideas. The title should give a clear indication of the content in your book. A catchy title may help to sell it, but remember to balance this with clarity to keep it in context. I’ve written down two examples. Feel free to use them if you have a sense of humor.

A Clubbers Paradise - Golfing in Ibiza

20 Minutes Late – The Future of Trains

Choose Your Audience

The subject and style of your writing will determine your audience. Decide who your desired audience will be. Age, gender, culture, social background and education are factors you may want to consider. What you write should be targeted at your desired audience.

Write Your Thesis Statement

Although it’s possible to write your ebook without a ‘thesis statement’, it is not recommended. If you are unfamiliar with this term, there are many sources available that will provide you with all the details you need. Unfortunately, there are some differences of opinion that may lead to confusion.

The ‘thesis statement’ deserves a separate article of its own but for now I have written a general definition of a thesis statement for ebooks. This may leave the door open for criticism but is a small price to pay if it removes some of the confusion. More importantly, it will give you a base on which to start. Only use it as a guideline. If you want a more specific definition, Google is a good place to start your search.

A thesis statement is a sentence or two written to clearly show the reason(s) for your ebook and what you expect to write about.

Although I have referred to this as a general definition, keep in mind that your actual statement should be as specific as possible.

Think of it as the foundation for your ebook. It should contain the following:

1) Your subject

2) Your opinion on the subject

3) A supporting reason for your opinion

4) The significance of 1), 2) and 3)

Create Your Document

Now that you have the foundation, you can begin writing.
A standard application like MS Word is a good choice.
While you are writing your document you can revise your thesis statement at any time up until it is published. This provides a good degree of flexibility.

Choose the format and layout of your document, including chapters, headings and introductions. Dependent on your subject, you may wish to add photographs, anecdotes or testimonials that keep the reader’s attention.

Since an ebook is generally read from a screen, you may want to break up the text more than in a printed book. Experiment with a few different fonts and look at other ebooks for ideas you can use. Spell check and save your document regularly. MS Word has an auto recovery feature. This is useful if you don’t save the document on a regular basis and later experience a system crash. Always backup your document. As a precaution you should also keep a copy on another media such as CD.

Choose Your Ebook Format

This is a personal choice. You may decide to create an executable (.exe) file or a Portable Document Format (.pdf) file. By no means an exhaustive list, here are some points to consider before you choose.

EXE files are compiled using an ebook compiler

EXE files may offer features that are not available with PDFs

EXE files can only be read on a PC

EXE files don’t require any other software to be read

EXE files are easy to open, easily branded, and good viral marketing tools

EXE files may be susceptible to viruses although some compilers offer virus protection

More information on the better compilers can be found at

PDF files can be created using Adobe Acrobat

PDF files can be created with several other 3rd party applications

PDF files are an industry standard

PDF files can be read by both PC and MAC

PDF files require Adobe Reader to be read

PDF files are highly unlikely to become infected

More information on PDFs can be found on the Adobe website

What is Ebook

- An eBook is an electronic version of a traditional print book that can be read by using a personal computer or by using an eBook reader. (An eBook reader can be a software application for use on a computer, such as Microsoft's free Reader application, or a book-sized computer that is used solely as a reading device, such as Nuvomedia's Rocket eBook.) Users can purchase an eBook on diskette or CD, but the most popular method of getting an eBook is to purchase a downloadable file of the eBook (or other reading material) from a Web site (such as Barnes and Noble) to be read from the user's computer or reading device. Generally, an eBook can be downloaded in five minutes or less.
Although it is not necessary to use a reader application or device in order to read an Ebook (most books can be read as PDF files), they are popular because they enable options similar to those of a paper book - readers can bookmark pages, make notes, highlight passages, and save selected text. In addition to these familiar possibilities, eBook readers also include built-in dictionaries, and alterable font sizes and styles. Typically, an eBook reader hand-held device weighs from about twenty-two ounces to three or four pounds and can store from four thousand to over half a million pages of text and graphics. A popular feature is its back-lit screen (which makes reading in the dark possible).

Some eBooks can be downloaded for free or at reduced cost, however, prices for many eBooks - especially bestsellers - are similar to those of hardcover books, and are sometimes higher. Most eBooks at Barnes and Noble, for example, are comparable in price to their traditional print versions

Ebook Bahasa Melayu

Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera,

Mungkin mudah bagi kita untuk mencari Ebook berbahasa inggeris di pasaran Internet. Kebanjiran Ebook berbahasa Inggeris yang menyentuh pelbagai topik merangkumi topik yang menyentuh isu Perniagaan,Hobi,Informasi dan pelbagai lagi.

Dewasa ini, Ebook berbahasa Melayu sudah semakin banyak dipasaran. Ini satu fenomena sihat kepada semua rakyat Malaysia.

Blog ini diwujudkan untuk memberi review dan comment tentang Ebook-Ebook berbahasa Melayu yang terdapat dipasaran. Sedikit sebanyak ia akan memudahkan tugas anda dalam pencarian Ebook yang susuai.

Salam Hormat dari saya

Haizal Ramdzan Bin Saaid Ramdzan